Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First solar energy class at ICC

Monday was my first evening class for solar energy at Illinois Central College.  I have never taken any classes in the area of renewable energy or solar power, so this will be interesting.  The classes are at the Dingeldine Campus.  The old solar house has been torn down for many years. The solar house was the solar energy of the 70's and now we are learning about the solar energy of the new millennium. I really think the course will be a good source of information for me to use as we work to develop something to dry coffee beans. My instructor is Brain Weaver and he has been helpful and worked with me over the summer.  I have built a basic dryer that he told me about earlier this summer.  Pete Fandel, the ICC crop science instructor, is working to get me information on a system that was used years ago to dry grain.  I think, once he gets me the information, that we could make the old technology work.  I think it could dry more coffee at one time, than some of the smaller units I have seen on the Internet.  I found some metal in a scrap pile that should work for some drying racks.  I need to make use of as much "junk" as I can because we will probably do that in Guatemala.   All the faculty members that I have talked to have been very helpful and are interested in this project.

Rufino Caniz has started his welding training and we have a plan for the type of courses and training that ICC will supply him with while he is here.   We hope to teach him how to weld, some basic electrical skills, mechanical maintenance skills, plumbing, and small engine maintenance.  It seems like a lot to cover in three months but it can be done.  I need to get started on my pictures and project work.  We hope to develop some projects that could help raise some money for the coffee dryer project.  I am probably going to be at Landscape and Garden Days and sell some of the stuff I have made over the years.  I need to get rid of things anyway and this is a good cause to use the money for.    I just need to get in to the routine of writing and taking pictures, like I did when I was in Xian.  One thing good about working on a coffee project, I have no excuse for being tired.  Caffeine.

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